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ZoeyAnn Thorpe: Student

Q&A with Student, ZoeyAnn Thorpe

Q: In a few sentences, tell me about yourself.

A: "My name is ZoeyAnn and I’m ten years old. I am a fourth-grader at Strode Station. I live in Winchester with my mom and brother. "

Q: Describe yourself in three words.

A: "Kind, smart, silly"

Q: We live in Winchester so I have to ask....are you an Ale 8 drinker?

A: "NO"

Q: Are you a dog or cat person?

A: "Dog"

Q: What's your favorite season?

A: "Summer"

Q: How long have you lived in Winchester?

Answer: "Since birth so over ten whole years"

Q: What are you known for around town?

A: "I’m known from my Facebook Fan Club and pranking people."

Q: If you work or own a business in Winchester… what is it that you do and/or what is your business?

A: "I mind my own business when I can."

Q: Where is your favorite place to eat in Winchester?

A: "Mexican restaurants because of cheese dip"

Q: What are some of your favorite places to go in Winchester-Clark County?

A: "I like to go to Stride for my therapy and summer camp. I also like to go to Thoroughbred for gymnastics and to play at the different parks. "

Q: In what ways are you involved in the community?

A: "I’m involved in school, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. I help supervise kids at school sometimes when there is a sub."

Q: What, in your opinion, makes Winchester-Clark County a unique or special place to live?

A: "Winchester has a lot of old pretty buildings that other places don’t have. I like how everyone knows everyone and we can all be friends."

Q: If you were going to introduce someone to Winchester-Clark County for the first time, what places, faces or activities would you tell them not to miss?

A: "I would say meet me at Don Senor first and then we can go to the new park. I can also show you some good places to shop without driving all the way to Lexington. Lessss go!"

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