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Shanda Cecil: City of Winchester Employee

Q&A with Shanda Cecil, City of Winchester employee

Q: In a few sentences, tell me about yourself.

A: "I am a mom to Hayden and Simon and have been married to Andy for almost 20 years. I spend a lot of my time maintaining our 100+ year old bungalow home. In my spare time, I like to read, exercise, hike, travel, eat yummy food, and float in the lake!"

Q: Describe yourself in three words.

A: "Doer, Clumsy, Curious "

Q: We live in Winchester so I have to ask....are you an Ale 8 drinker?

A: "YES"

Q: Are you a dog or cat person?

A: "Dog"

Q: What's your favorite season?

A: "Spring"

Q: How long have you lived in Winchester?

A: "40+ years-really all of my life but I left Winchester for a few years in my 20s."

Q: What are you known for around town?

A: "Probably that I have an interest in all things environmental."

Q: If you work or own a business in Winchester… what is it that you do and/or what is your business?

A: "I am a code enforcement officer, stormwater coordinator, floodplain coordinator, and Winchester Tree Board chairman."

Q: Where is your favorite place to eat in Winchester?

A: "Do I have to answer this? I love lots of our restaurants!"

Q: What are some of your favorite places to go in Winchester-Clark County?

A: "Lower Howards Creek State Nature Preserve, Full Circle Market, The Farmer's Market, Abettor Brewing, The Daily Grind, The OM Place, and Eve's."

Q: In what ways are you involved in the community?

A: "With work, I am involved in lots of aspects of our community through code enforcement, stormwater management, and floodplain coordination, and let's not forget tree plantings! Civically, I don't have as much time to devote as I'd like but I do volunteer once a month in the nursery at church. My oldest son is involved in sports so I help peripherally with those activities. I am currently seeking a match for the Big Brother Big Sister program."

Q: What, in your opinion, makes Winchester-Clark County a unique or special place to live?

A: "As you mentioned earlier, definitely the people! I always tell people that, when I went to college, my classmates always complained about their hometowns. My college classmates native to Clark County always talked about how much fun we had growing up in this community. Winchester/Clark County is beautiful too. We have several different geographic types that makes us a little more unique than other counties. We have the Appalachian soils and characteristics around the Trapp area, prime farmland interspersed throughout the county, and the palisades in southwest Clark County. It's pretty fun to know too that our community was cool enough to come up with beer cheese and Ale 8. That is a winning combination!"

Q: If you were going to introduce someone to Winchester-Clark County for the first time, what places, faces or activities would you tell them not to miss?

A: "This is a great question. I will miss someone or someplace invariably but here it goes! For one incredible day, visit 1. Visit the Lower Howards Creek State Nature Preserve. 2. Stop in at one of the river restaurant establishments for an appetizer and beverage. 3. Shop the downtown district. 4. Visit the Bluegrass Heritage Museum. 5. Grab the black & bleu salad at La Trattoria or the salmon salad at Loma's. 6. If you're not exhausted by now, take a walk down Boone Avenue or hit Abettor for some live music. The people are many. So many smiling faces and genuinely good people come to mind. Who you meet that day will be by chance and luck. Smile with them and enjoy yourself. :)"

Bruce Manley

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