Q&A with Mikaela Bush: Owner and Baker of Cheesecake & Company
Q: In a few sentences, tell me about yourself.
A: "I am originally from Edison, OH. I spent the past 6 years as a Middle School Family and Consumer Sciences (Home Ec.) teacher and Cross Country/Track coach in Mansfield, OH. In my free time I enjoy running, walking my dog, riding my horse, hiking, attending live music events, and completing DIY projects."
Q: Describe yourself in three words.
A: "Driven, competitive, independent"
Q: We live in Winchester so I have to ask....are you an Ale 8 drinker?
A: "No"
Q: Are you a dog or cat person?
A: "Dog"
Q: What's your favorite season?
A: "Fall"
Q: How long have you lived in Winchester?
A: "Several months"
Q: What are you known for around town?
A: "I typically get identified as "The Cheesecake Lady"."
Q: If you work or own a business in Winchester… what is it that you do and/or what is your business?
A: "I own Cheesecake & Company...or it owns me (haha)"
Q: Where is your favorite place to eat in Winchester?
A: "Bell on Wheels accompanied with Abettor's hard cider."
Q: What are some of your favorite places to go in Winchester-Clark County?
A: "The Farmer's Market, Legacy Grove Park, Abettor, and Wildcat Willy's"
Q: In what ways are you involved in the community?
A: "I am still working on getting settled into town and getting my business established."
Q: What, in your opinion, makes Winchester-Clark County a unique or special place to live?
A: "It has a small-town feel and a friendly community with a wide variety of local restaurants and businesses, as well as close proximity to Lexington and The Red River Gorge."
Q: If you were going to introduce someone to Winchester-Clark County for the first time, what places, faces or activities would you tell them not to miss?
A: "Check out restaurants and businesses along Main Street, drink an Ale 8, eat beer cheese, drive part of the scenic byway to see some of the horse farms."
