Q&A with Heather James: Owner of South Main Grocery
Q: In a few sentences, tell me about yourself.
A: "I have been married to my husband, Steve, for almost 33 years. We have 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren. We also have 3 dogs, a few chickens and live in the country on 8 acres. "
Q: Describe yourself in three words.
A: "Dedicated, caring and outgoing "
Q: We live in Winchester so I have to ask....are you an Ale 8 drinker?
A: "Yes"
Q: Are you a dog or cat person?
A: "Dog"
Q: What's your favorite season?
A: "Spring"
Q: How long have you lived in Winchester?
A: "All my life"
Q: What are you known for around town?
A: "Either being the owner of South Main Grocery & Grill for the past 2 1/2 years, or the bookkeeper at Southern States Clark Coop, which I was for almost 16 years. "
Q: If you work or own a business in Winchester… what is it that you do and/or what is your business?
A: "I am the owner of South Main Grocery & Grill. We are a family run business that serves breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday. We have a full menu that includes grill food and a deli as well."
Q: Where is your favorite place to eat in Winchester?
A: "I always try to support our local restaurants. We have so many great ones in our little town!"
Q: What are some of your favorite places to go in Winchester-Clark County?
A: "Beech Springs/Abettor Brewery/Woody’s/A cruise on our country roads in the spring and summer/ Peddler’s Mall"
Q: In what ways are you involved in the community?
A: "In the past year, South Main has helped with a Stride event at Beech Springs. We have been a drop off location for donations to support a Christmas toy drive that was held at Abettor Brewery and also a drop off for donations for our local animal shelter. "
Q: What, in your opinion, makes Winchester-Clark County a unique or special place to live?
A: "I think that being a small town makes it special and unique! There is never a time that I go out, that I don’t run into multiple friendly and familiar faces!"
Q: If you were going to introduce someone to Winchester-Clark County for the first time, what places, faces or activities would you tell them not to miss?
A: "Fort Boonesboro, Bluegrass Heritage Museum, Leeds Theatre and Legacy Grove"
