Q&A with Bruce Manley, Director at BCTC Winchester-Clark County Campus
Q: In a few sentences, tell me about yourself.
A: "I graduated from Morehead State University with a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and earned a master’s degree at the University of Kentucky in Mathematics. While in graduate school, I started working as an advisor and found my passion was working with students. I have been an adjunct faculty member teaching math at UK, Sullivan University, BCTC, and at the Mt. Sterling Campus of Morehead State University. Within BCTC, I have served as a mentor to participants in the BCTC Leadership Academy, led the initiative to implement the scheduling software Ad Astra, helped organize the Glitz fundraiser, and created BCTC Moonlight Movie Nights."
Q: Describe yourself in three words.
A: "Faith, Family, Fun"
Q: We live in Winchester so I have to ask....are you an Ale 8 drinker?
A: "YES"
Q: Are you a dog or cat person?
A: "Dog"
Q: What's your favorite season?
A: "Summer"
Q: How long have you lived in Winchester?
A: "19 years"
Q: What are you known for around town?
A: "BCTC, balloon animals, dad jokes"
Q: If you work or own a business in Winchester… what is it that you do and/or what is your business?
A: "Bluegrass Community & Technical College."
Q: Where is your favorite place to eat in Winchester?
A: "Broadway Café, Lomas, LaTrattoria"
Q: What are some of your favorite places to go in Winchester-Clark County?
A: "Bargains on Broadway, Church, BCTC, Leed's Theatre"
Q: In what ways are you involved in the community?
A: "I work in the community serving in several roles. I've been a part of Rotary, the Winchester-Clark County Chamber Board of Directors, the United Way Board of Directors, and Partner’s In Education. I partner with GRC and our local school system. Currently, I serve on the Winchester Industrial Development Authority Board of Directors and chair the Winchester Human Resource Association."
Q: What, in your opinion, makes Winchester-Clark County a unique or special place to live?
A: "Winchester is great! We are close to the amenities of Lexington but also close to the Red River Gorge. The people are great and the community is giving and caring. Winchester prides itself on being the home of Ale-8 and Beer Cheese. I love the festivals, events, and fun that we all have here. We have great opportunities and always something to do or ways to get involved."
Q: If you were going to introduce someone to Winchester-Clark County for the first time, what places, faces or activities would you tell them not to miss?
A: "Ale-8, Beer Cheese Festival, Bluegrass Heritage Museum, Loma's, Leed's Theatre, Moonlight Movie Nights, Legacy Nights, Parks & Rec, Lower Howard's Creek, Ft Boonesboro, Arts on Main, Rock the Block, Pioneer Festival, Hemp Festival, Mornings on Main!"
